What is Sanity Testing?
Sanity testing is regularly used in software testing when there has been a code change or deployment to release new enhancements or bug fi...
Sanity testing is regularly used in software testing when there has been a code change or deployment to release new enhancements or bug fi...
TCP/IP & DNS TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It’s the Internet’s fundamental “control system”, an...
Flavors of Python 1) Cpython : The base of all these implementation is Cpython or more formally known as python (Yeah its True your ...
Features of Python Python's features include • Easy-to-learn Python has few keywords, simple structure, and a dear defined syntax...
1. Getting Started Python 1.1 Introduction to Python: Python is an object-oriented programming language which beginners can understand ...
Structure Programming ( POP ) Convventional programming, using high level languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN and C, is commonly known a...
Object Oriented Style Good programs do more than simply statisfies their functional requirement programs that follow proper design gu...
Link and Association link and association are the link for establishing relationship among objects and classes LinkedIn physical aur k...
Advanced Link And Association Concept link attributes an attribute is a property of the object in a class a link attributes is a prop...
An showsm the object in the system, relationships between the objects, and the attributes and opration that characterize each clas...
What is Objrct-Oriented Development ? Object-oriented development is fundamentally a new way of thinking about software based on abstra...
Introduction to OOAD : Object Oriented Analysis and Desingn (OOAD) is a new way of thinking about real world system using models o...
Program#1> /* Write a C program to implement integer stack with operation: push, pop, peep & change */ #include<s...