Flavors of Python
Flavors of Python
1) Cpython: The base of all these implementation is Cpython or more formally
known as python (Yeah its True your Python is actually Cpython). Cpython is de
facto reference Python implementation. Some implementations may extend
behavior or features In some aspects or re-implementations language that do
not depend or Interact with the CPython runtime core but reuses the standard
library implementation of Cpython. Since Cpython is standard to implement
python someone can implement it to be compiled or to be interpreted according
to their requirements.
2) Jython: Jython, earlier known as Jython (or known to be successor of Jpython)
is an implementation of the Python programming language which is designed to
run on the Java Platform. It has compiler which compiles your python code into
Java bytecode. Stable releases of compatible python(latest) is still not available.
3) IronPython: IronPython is another implementation of the Python targeting the
.NET Framework. It is entirely written in C# and runs on NET virtual
machine (That is nothing but CLR). Again you can import C# classes into
ironPython. IronPython can use the .NET Framework and Python libraries(again
Isn't that great ), providing Python developers with the power of the NET
framework or providing .NET developers with power of scripting.
4) Pypy: Pypy is actually bit different than other implementations its primary focus
is to overcome drawbacks (so called) of python. It is a Python interpreter and
just-in-time compiler. It is written in Python itself. Actually PyPy is written in a
language called Python, which is suitable for writing dynamic language
interpreters (and not much else). RPython is a subset of Python and is itself
written in Python. According to claims made by pypy its around 6 times faster
than Python.
5) Stackless Python: If you ever tried threading in python then you will
understand what and why Stackless Python. Stackless Python is a
reimplementation of traditional python and its key point is lightweight threading.
You can say itsbranch of CPython supporting microthreads.Stackless python
Key concept is tasklets which is nothing but tiny taks. It allows you to run
hundreds of thousands of tasklets in a single main thread. Tasklets run
independently on CPU and can communicate with other via Channels. Channel is
sort of manager that take all the responsibility to control suspension and
resuming of tasklets. You can also control scheduling of tasklets and not to
mention serialization with pickle can be done for taskers
6) Pythonxy: Firstly it pronounced Python x-y and mostly written as
Python(x,y). It is nothing but a scientific Python distribution. Python added with
Scientific and engineering related packages is your python(x,y). Its also includes
Qt for GUI and Spyder IDE.Why use it when I can manually install packages
will be needed. No doubt you can add any package to your python but what
dish is served to you ready made with these packages
7) Portable Python: How about having python language pre-configured, any time
any where, run directly from any USB storage device. It is what Portable python
s. Its for Windows OS. You just need to extract it to your portable storage
5) Anaconda Python: in short words you can say it is distribution for large-scale
data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing. This
Implementation basically focuses large scale of data.
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