Object Modeling & Analysis

An showsm the object in the system, relationships between the objects, and the attributes and opration that characterize each class of object. The object model is the most important of the three models.
Here we discuss the basic object modeling concepts association, genetalization and inheritance.

Object Modeling Technique:-
   The OMT methodology uses 3 kind of models to describe a system.
1. The Object model
2. The Dynamic Model
3. The Function MOdel

1. The Object model
a. The object model describes the static structure of the object in a system and their relationships.
b. The object model contains object diagram
c. is a graph whose nose are object classes and whose Arc relationship among classes

2. The dynamic model
a. the dynamic model, describe the aspect of a system that changed over time.
b. the dynamic model is used spectify the implement the control aspect of a system
c. the dynamic model contains state diagram
d. state diagram is a graph whose notes are states and whose are transactions between state caused by events

3. The Function Model
A. The function model describe the data value         transformation within a system
B. The function module contains data flow diagram.
C. Data flow diagram represents a computation
D. data flow diagram is a graph whose nose are processing and arcs are data flows

Object and classes:-

The purpose of objects modelling is to describe objects for example Rahul accounts cars XYZ company object
we can define an object as a concept or a things with some meaning for the problem at hand
Object serve two propose
1. They promote understanding of the real world
2. Provide a practical basic for computer   implementation
All object have identity and their distinguishable.  two apples with the same colour shade and texture are still individual Apples; the person can eat one and then eat the other similarly identical twins are two distinct person even so are they may look the same.

A class describe a group of object with similar properties, common Behavior, salmon relationships to order object and common semantic
Person, company, animal and window are example of classes
In a class have the same attributes and behaviours patterns.

Object Diagrams
Object diagram provides a formal graphic nation for modelling objects classes and their relationship to one another
There are two types of object diagram:
1. Class diagram and
2.  instance diagram
Diagram is a keema patient or templates for describing many  possible instances of data Class diagram describe classes
And instance diagram describe how particular set of objects related to each other. And instance diagram describe Instances
A given Class diagram for response to an infinite set of instant diagram
Following table shows the diagram and instance diagram
Figure class and object
Object Rahul Neha and an anonymous person are instances of class person
The  OMT symbol for an object instance is a rounded box the classname in parentheses is at the top of the object boss in goldface object names are listen in normal font.
The OMT To symbol for a class is a box with class name in
An actor which is a data value held by the objects in a class for example name age and weight are attributes of person object colour with and model year are attributes of car objects.
Each attribute has a value for each object insta for example attributes age has value ''24''  in object Rahul
Different object instances may have the same or different value for a given activities for example object Mahesh may also have value 24 for age attributes
Each attributes name is unique within a class to different classes e.g. person and company may have a common attributes called address
Attributes are missing in the second part of the class box each attribute name may be followed by optional result search as type and Default value that type is president by a colon(:). The different value is president by an equal sign (=).
You may choose to Amit showing attributes in class worksheet it depends on the level of detail desired in the object models
Class boxes have Line graph between the classname and attributes object box does not have this line in order for further differentiate game from class boxes.
Following figure shows object modelling notation
Figure attribute and value
Class person has attribute name and age name is a string and it is an integer
One object in class person has travel from name and the value 24 age another object has name Neha and age 19

Operations and methods
And operation is a function or transformation that may be applied to or by object in a class open clothes deposit and withdrawal are operation on class account for objects in a class share the same operation
Each operation has target object at an implicit argument the operation is done on a target object for example if we have account object level then anyone deposit 5000; everyone is a target object and its use and inclusix arguments for operation deposit and 5000 is an explicit argument
An operation may have argument in addition to its target object this argument are parcel explicitly to operation called as explicit argument
The same operation may apply to many different classes search on operation is polymorphic i.e. the same operation on different from in different classes
A method is the implementation for an operation for class for example the class has a operation calculate the area different methods could be implemented to calculate area of triangle rectangle and circle all these methods logically for perform the same task calculating area of shapes how it within may be implemented by a difference pieces of code search operation are called polymorphic
Operations are you listen in the lower third of the class box which operation name may be followed by optional details such as argument listen and results and argument list is written in parentheses following the name the argument are separated by commas. The name and type of each argument may be  given. The result type is preceded by a colon and should not be omitted,  becauses it is important to distinguish operations that return values from those that do not. Am emoty argument list in parentheses shows explicity that there are no arguments. Operations may be omitted from high-level diagrams.
In following figure, the class person has attributs name and age and operations.change-job and change-address.
name, age, change-job, and change-address are also called features of person.
Similarly , File has a point opration. shape object has move, select and ratat operations
Figure. Opetations
Feature is a generic word for either aan attribute or operation.

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