Getting Started Python

1. Getting Started Python

1.1 Introduction to Python:

Python is an object-oriented programming language which beginners can understand
and learn easily. Python was designed to highly readable. Python is an interpreted high
level language which is loosely and weakly typed programming language. Python is a
cross-platform and powerful language

Python is an easy programming language for beginners to start out with. It's nene
than a lot of languages, so it's easier to learn than some of the older languages
fix a lot of the things they learned that suck about older languages), there's a le
demand for Python programmers and you can do some really cool things with
from data science to building websites. Honestly, just about anything you
with other programming languages like C++ or Ruby. You can build: websites
scrapers, crawlers, scripts, interact with APIs build your own APIs, build auto
and messaging bots, make phone calls and send text messages, do machine lea
data analytics, natural language processing, statistical models, just about everything
besides iPhone and Android apps (though you can build parts of those in Python).

Python is a light-weight programming language when compared to any other
programming language like JAVA NET etc. Python is a multi-paradigm programming
which includes object-oriented, imperative and functional or procedural programming

Python is multipurpose because of it can be used in web, enterprise, 3D CAD. Python
makes the development and debugging effortlessly. The coding in Python is very easy
and less lines of coding is required when compared with JAVA,

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